A starting point to debug a Java OutOfMemoryError
Tech, OutOfMemoryError, java, jvm

A starting point to debug a Java OutOfMemoryError

A starting point to debug, fix and prevent the infamous Java OutOfMemoryError

Docker build caching for .NET applications done right with dotnet-subset
ASP.NET Core, C#, .NET, Docker, CSharp, Tech

Docker build caching for .NET applications done right with dotnet-subset

Why it is hard to properly cache "dotnet restore" in docker builds and how dotnet-subset tool solves this problem.

Internationalize your Next application with i18n and TypeScript

Internationalize your Next application with i18n and TypeScript

📌 Introduction When aiming for the global market, any company faces the issue of adapting an application to the language of its potential consumers. In this case, internationalization is not only

Why you should consider the new .NET for your backend
Tech, .NET, C#, CSharp, ASP.NET Core, Web

Why you should consider the new .NET for your backend

.NET is an open-source and cross-platform rewrite of the legacy .NET Framework that is gaining a lot of momentum recently. We will go over why it can be a good choice for your next backend.

Using EntityGraphs to solve the N+1 Query problem
Tech, Spring, Web

Using EntityGraphs to solve the N+1 Query problem

The application performance represents the biggest challenge that developers focus on the most, in order to build applications and websites with a good user experience. This allows delivering an appropriate

Why and how to set up a Kanban sequencer in an agile development project?

Why and how to set up a Kanban sequencer in an agile development project?

Why set up a Kanban?In his book Learning to Scale, Regis Medina presents the pillars of the Lean management system (also called Toyota Production System) One of the main

How to isolate components and apply visual testing using Storybook
storybook, chromatic, react, testing, UX/UI Design, Web

How to isolate components and apply visual testing using Storybook

As front-end developers, we spend a lot of time creating components and layouts with CSS. But every time we modify a component, we are only interested in doing unit tests

Building forms with React Hook Form and Yup
Web, react, Tech

Building forms with React Hook Form and Yup

In almost every web application, there are forms where the user enters data, whether it is a login or registration form, a passport application form, a bank account creation form,

How to boost your single page application SEO ?
Product Strategy, Tech

How to boost your single page application SEO ?

TL;DRSearch Engine Optimization (SEO) is a method used to place an URL or website at the top of a search engine's results.SPA are non-friendly SEO websites because they

How I applied lean to product design
Product Strategy

How I applied lean to product design

During my experience as an Agile Coach, I have been able to support many clients in the development of their product and bring them real business opportunities. The agile approach

Efficient unit tests, the key to build high-quality products
Tech, Web

Efficient unit tests, the key to build high-quality products

Testing is one of the most critical steps in a software development lifecycle where we check that a software or an application does what it is supposed to do. Let

Mockoon – an easy way to mock your APIs
Tech, Web, Mobile

Mockoon – an easy way to mock your APIs

Working on cross-team projects, we have all been in a situation where each team is responsible for a part of the project. A team that handles front-end, another that handles

DB migrations with Liquibase and Spring Boot.
Tech, Web

DB migrations with Liquibase and Spring Boot.

I believe you're not lucky enough--like the majority of us🤫--to start a project from scratch. A situation where you might have the chance to look up the best practices

A Simple Step by Step Guide to SEO with Gatsby
Product Strategy, Web

A Simple Step by Step Guide to SEO with Gatsby

Without a doubt, being at the top of search results is key for most companies. The science behind this is called SEO, as Wikipedia defines it, it's the process of affecting the visibility of a website/webpage in a web search engine’s unpaid results.

Layout with CSS3 Flexbox

Layout with CSS3 Flexbox

Flexbox also known as “CSS flexible box Layout” is a modern layout model introduced in CSS3 in order to easily build complex flexible and responsive layouts based on the free

Checkstyle, PMD and Findbugs, why and how?

Checkstyle, PMD and Findbugs, why and how?

In software development context code quality plays an important role in making code base well comprehensible by all developers, as it measures the usefulness and efficiency of the final product.

Formik And React: Formik Basics
Tech, Web

Formik And React: Formik Basics

In this tutorial we will talk about the basics of Formik starting from installing and importing the library to structuring a Formik form, but before diving deeper into subject let's

Optimize React application performance with Code Splitting
Tech, Web

Optimize React application performance with Code Splitting

Why do we care about our website load time in the first place? Web pages load time plays a heavy role in search engine optimization, simply put if you want your website to appear in Google's first results, reducing it will help you attain that.

Beyond the MVP — How to capture value & what can large corps learn from startups?
Business, Product Strategy

Beyond the MVP — How to capture value & what can large corps learn from startups?

Can large corps learn how to capture value from the products they launch and not just launch another digital platform / app? Perhaps there is some stuff to learn from startups. Why? Because when they don't do that, startups die.